project-update 3582
Posted on March 14, 2014 by amileham
Concrete construction has continued above grade up to level 4. Construction of decking and shoring for the speed ramp is 90% complete up to level 3. Construction of the north core elevator shaft from level 1 up to level 2 is 100% complete. The concrete columns in the northern half of the project were poured and cured completing 100% of the construction for the columns on level 1. The concrete slab for level 3 on the south side and level 2 on the north side of the project have been poured and cured completing 100% of the level 2 concrete slab. Concrete pours for the concrete columns in the northern half of the project on level 2 are 25% complete. Construction of the south core elevator shaft from level 3 up to level 4 and is 25% complete. Fifty percent of the concrete columns on level 3 in the south side of the project have been poured and cured. Glazing for the façade mock up has been installed completing 90% of the mock up.