project-update 15617
Posted on February 28, 2022 by aatkinson
As Willkommen moves closer to completion, construction continues in three new buildings at 1521 Vine Street, 1512 Republic Street and 1602 Pleasant Street. In the Vine and Pleasant street buildings, painting and the installation of wood flooring, bathroom tile, kitchen cabinetry and lighting have been completed in the residential units. Lighting has been installed in the residential stairwells in both buildings, while work on the elevator shafts is ongoing. Scaffolding has been removed from the building at 1512 Republic Street and the exterior walls have been closed in. The installation of insulation and drywall continues on all floors of the building.
Construction is officially complete at 124-128 W Liberty, 1445 and 1447 Walnut, 211, 213 and 215 Woodward, 1604 and 1606 Pleasant, 1600, 1601, 1611 and 1623 Race, 1510 and 1512 Moore and 20 E. 15th Streets.