Following a construction kickoff event in early September, crews began demolishing the former Pogue’s garage at the corner of 4th and Race streets. A large crane was erected at the corner of 4th and Elm streets, which is where the demolition began. The process of tearing down the current garage is expected to last several months. For regular project updates, subscribe to the 4th & Race construction update newsletter, or read through past updates in the archive.
At the Race Street Condos – is a portion of the broader 15th & Race project – work is moving forward at a good pace. The glass for the street-level commercial storefront has been set in place, and crews are working to bring permanent power to the building. Inside the structure, gypcrete is currently being applied to level out the subfloor, in preparation for the installation of hardwood flooring, and the walls in all residential units are being primed to receive the first coat of paint.
While a great deal of work continued throughout Memorial Hall during September, by far the most noteworthy change was the addition of air conditioning to the century-old building. For additional details on the project’s progress, sign up to receive bi-weekly project updates, or check our archive for past issues.
The renovation of Music Hall is progressing nicely, with crews working throughout the historic structure. Although much of the work has been focused on Springer Auditorium, nearly every area of the hall either has been, or will be, touched. For specifics about the construction work being done, sign up to receive regular project updates, or refer to the archive for previous newsletters.
Much of the same type of work continued at Ziegler Park this past month, as crews continued to make progress on building the new underground garage. Across the street, prep work for the new pool area also moved forward. To learn more, subscribe to the Ziegler Park project update newsletter. You can read previous updates in the archive.